ABC Montessori E-11, Rajouri Garden, Delhi 110027, (India)
Cognitive Development

How to promote Healthy Cognitive Development in Children?

Cognitive Development

Children’s splendid minds has been growing and changing from the second they come into this beautiful world. They are on a route to develop complex thoughts as they grow. They are eager to question, learn, and make sense of the world around them. This shows that they are developing cognitively.

Children’s cognitive competencies are improved when they start forming questions and coming across solutions themselves or with the help of others around them. Understanding how to go through the process of questioning, discovery, evaluation, reflection and finding solutions help children in becoming life-long learners. Enroll you children in best play schools in Delhi and ABC Montessori preschool in Rajouri Garden, Delhi for their cognitive development.

Here are some ideas that may be used to help your child develop strong learning and thinking skills:

Here are a few ideas that may be used to assist your children develop robust gaining of knowledge and thinking capabilities:

  1. Let your children know that what they think and question is valued. Listen to their questions very carefully. Your children will have a stronger sense of self-worth and approach to face challenges with confidence.
  2.  Ask questions and set up opportunities to inspire your children to think for themselves. Encourage them to come up with original ideas and listen to them. Show a genuine respect for their ideas.
  3.   Take your children to Interesting locations like library, museum or commercial Enterprises to encourage their interests and sense of admiration. Allow them to explore things with hands-on experiences.
  4. Motivate your children to try diverse Strategies for problem-solving. Some examples can be drawing talking painting acting or making a model of clay. Encourage your children to keep on trying until they find a solution that works for them.
  5. Play different games with your young children like building blocks, peek a boo, roll balls, etc. and as your infants mature, play memory games, board games work on Puzzles with them.


Posted On : 9th August 2018 Author : webadmin Categories : Education
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